Monday, July 1, 2013


I did it.  This is the post that marks 1 month of every day posting and will also complete 1 month of writing 5 things every day that I am grateful for. 
There is always something in your day to be grateful for.  No matter how bad your day is, you have something to be grateful for.   I love how this has helped me take a better turn on those bad days and help me remember all the good there is in life.  The good things will always out weigh the bad no matter what.

Today was not very eventful.  I went to work.  Opened Jewelry.  Had to clean up after Kay who left a mess in there last night.  Had a bunch of work to do today.  We got in a bunch of new stuff we do not have a place for or is not to be set until next week so not really anything we can do anything with.  We finally got the count back on track after it had been a little messed up for a few days.

I came home and was supposed to be productive and I fell asleep.  I am just so very tired.  Tomorrow I am going to go shopping with Lacie before work.  She has to take her car into the shop so I will pick her up and we will go window shopping just spending some girl time together. 

 So I am really going to try to post more but I do not think that I will come home super late and force my self to stay up just to write.  On days that cool things happen I will write.  Note worthy stuff.  But days when it really is just ..I went to work and came home..there is not really much to say and I feel like 90% of the time I have just wasted your time to read the lame posts of my lame day.
So with all that said I hope everyone had a Happy Canada Day.  Love my home and native land.

I am grateful for
My Canadian heritage
Pretty flowers
Cold water

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Here I am again

Today.  What to say about today.

Church was good.  I made sure to have water with me.  I got hot and a little dizzy but not bad.  I stayed for pretty much all of church but left the last meeting early to hear my Jen Jen give a talk in the singles ward.  She gave a wonderful amazing talk!! So proud of her!!
I hung out after and talked with people for a while.  Jen asked a boy out! Another proud moment. And she got a calling for the next 2 months before she leaves for school.  We have deiced that since I got a boyfriend, engaged, and married while I had the calling she just got then it will work for her too.

I got home and ate some food and fell asleep and woke up just in time to get ready and rush off to work.  I hate working on Sundays.
3.5 hours of my day not counting the time driving there and back 4.5 hours I could of been home and reading and relaxing and doing something productive.  Yes I got paid but I hate those short shifts.  There were 13 of us there closing last night.  ON A SUNDAY, when really we need that help during the week.  We had 4 POS closing and during the week we are lucky to have 1 there till close.  Brad closed and awesome people closed.  Hated the 5 customers who thought it was alright to still shop after we are closed and made 4 announcements saying we were closed.  So 10 min after close they check out and took them another 10min to get checked out. 
Oh it gets even better.  When we were getting ready to close we were counting the cars and we had one extra car in the parking lot.  There was someone in the car and we could not figure out who it was.  We noticed the car and the person about 10min before close.  When we are walking out around 9:30 it was still there.  Kristen went up to them to see if everything was alright and she said yes she was just cleaning out her purse. FOR AN HOUR? IN THE KOHLS PARKING LOT? I called Brad in the store to let him know what was up and what we thought and to be careful when leaving since he stays after to do some work and leaves alone.  We think something different like maybe waiting on a drug deal.  I think Michael waited there for a while to wait and see if anything happened. 
I will talk to Brad in the morning since I am there at 8:30 and he gets in at 9 to see if anything happened when he left.

I am home now with a slanted tummy relaxing on the couch and not tired.  Hubby is studying.  I do not want to work early in the morning but I have to make the money.

I am grateful for
Walking out of the building at night with people
How we all care about each others safety at work
Wonderful friends like my Jen Jen who make me smile
Nights when we are over staffed at work
My slanted moving tummy with my growing girl inside of it

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Happy 29th of July

Wow am I really tired.  I think I need a shower too because I smell like big spray but really I think that just might have to be a get up early to take thing in the morning because I do not think I can take one tonight.  It was a busy afternoon/night ending with off and on dizzy spells (thus going to sleep before taking my shower.)

Today was Courtney's baby shower! We are very excited for Hank and Milo to be coming into our family here soon.  6 weeks and 2 days at the longest (and we are hoping they do not come soon then when we have the C-section planed for them.)
It really was a great shower! I am happy I was invited and got to go to this one.  Since I missed everything for Orry because I was at school it is just nice to be apart of something. 

After the shower I was invited to hang out and wait till later in the evening to go with them to see fireworks.  I do not normally get invited to go out with them.  They have their own little group amd they do things together all the time.  I understand I was not ever part of their group and they are all good friends but sometimes it just hurts.  I thought that maybe once I got married I would start to be included but I still feel like that dumb little kid at the reject table. So even if I was just invited because I was still there I am still grateful that I was invited.  It really did make my night. 
I LOVE FIREWORKS.  I do not know why there were fireworks but it makes me happy there was.  Orry came over to Ry and Ash's and Court and Jon had to go to an emergency room because Jonathan sliced his hand and ended up cutting a tendon.  SO Jon now has forever stitches holding that tendon together.  So we got to play with Orry while they were gone.  For the longest time he was pretending he was a cat.  It was super cute.  Courtney said he has been doing it all week and Jonathan says Orry gets it from me (apparently pretending to be a cat is genetic?)  Yes when I was little I pretended to be a cat. 

Fireworks were great.  I got kisses for the first time under fireworks from the cutest boy in the world...he is a 2 year old boy but it is ok he is my nephew. (My husband is a MAN and he is I can say cutest boy and still be ok)

So my head is killing me.  I am going to drink some water maybe eat some cake and go to sleep.  Got to love dizzy/hot pregnant spells.

I am grateful for
Orry kisses under the fireworks
Being included and invited to see fireworks
Orry cuddles
Cold water in the fridge

And I have to add in to this post here as an after thought that my husband just walked in the door with flowers and a card for me for no real reason, just to show that he loves me.  This man is learning.  I love him so much. 

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">

Friday, June 28, 2013

wow 3lbs

Today was baby check up day.  I am still shocked how the doctor can just feel my stomach and say the baby is well and even tell me that she is just about 3lbs maybe 3 1/2 lbs just by feeling.  It is pretty amazing.
She is still moving and grooving.  I am still sick.  I got a doctors note today for a chair or stool to be at my access at all times due to my dizzy spells I have had all week.  A few times this week I was really scared because of how dizzy I had gotten.  Even right now as I lay here and type this I am not feeling too great.  BUT I keep pressing forward.

I think I made a pretty amazing dinner tonight.  I made taco salad.  OK there is not that much cooking to do with it but I planed and prepared it.  I kicked Andy out of the kitchen when he tried to add in his own stuff.  So made the meat and cut the letus.  Made some beans and rice.   Set out some cheese and chips and ranch.  I also made a super yummy tres leche cake.  I was very proud of that.  First time making and I thought it was yummy and so did the sister missionaries.  The worlds pickiest husband is a totally different story.  He did give me a hard time and acted so shocked when I cooked dinner.  I really do love cooking, just not cooking for him because he is so sticking picky.  I hate cooking and being told how much he dislikes it.  

The Rangers won tonight.  It made me happy!!

I am grateful for
The amazing tres leche cake recipe a friend gave me
My baby girl who keeps growing and still doing good
Getting a doctors note so hopefully I will not be looked at badly when seen sitting down
A husband who shared the TV tonight so I could watch part of my Rangers game
The missionaries.  This sisters are amazing and I hope to be able to have them over to dinner again soon.  

<3 christina="" erin="" nbsp="" span="">

Thursday, June 27, 2013


Oh today was an enjoyable afternoon.  I once again did not do my chores and decied to go visit one of my friends and her kidos instead.  (ok I did do ONE of my chores and that was load and start the dishwasher)

I went over to see Miss Lacie and Romeo and Zyd and had just a good time sitting on the couch hanging out.  I think the high light of the day was having Romeo and Zyd yelling into my tummy "HI BABY" and other things talking to Aurora and rubbing and patting my tummy.  Romeo was kind of rough on my tummy and Aurora kept moving more and more to my right side and going up into my ribs.  Zyd was on my right side and would rub my tummy and talk to Aurora and she was able to feel her move a few times.  I love the look on little kids faces when that happens.  Aurora has also starting moving to Lacie's voice as well.  It was pretty neat.

Work was work.  I spent 5 hours of my shift getting OCD with the sterling silver  fixtures on the floor and totally redid them and organized and sized everything (including the size of the hoop earrings.)
No CAs tonight...but I also only had 2 customers because we had no sale in jewelry. 

Tomorrow is baby appointment day.  Hopefully all goes well.

I think I might have a cavity or more then one...I have a few super sensitive teeth.  :(

I am grateful for
Cute kids
Lacie giving me some big clothes since my clothes are starting to get too small for me
Small stool at work
Left overs because that is what I had for dinner tonight (left overs from Sunday and last night)
Clearance sunglasses (it is still June and I was able to get a new pair of sunglasses for cheep!!)

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Love of Christ

Today really did start off as a hard day. 
I say this and feel like all I do is complain here.  Believe me I do not mean to always sound so negative I guess this is just how I can release the negative and be happy and positive again.  Good things happen to me.  Just some days are harder then others and my days really do not have much going on but work and being pregnant that there is not much to talk about. 
I got 1 CA at work .. yay  me .. but not good enough.
So while at work today I got really tired and sore fast.  There was a good 2 hours where if I put pressure on my right foot I would get a sharp pain in my lower back.  Once that kind of faded I was really dizzy and had a headache from the pain that I was in with crazy swollen feet and legs.  I am thinking it was not enough rest time between my shifts for my body to rest and recover.  Hopefully tomorrow  I will be able to actually get things done. 
I did not get anything done after work today because I came home and put my feet up.  Still on the swollen side but it is going down. 

I had a meeting tonight at church.  It was a very long over due meeting to have.  I can finally feel like this wall I have been hitting is lifted and that I can continue on progressing and feeling the love of my Heavenly Father and of Christ and what he did for me and for all of us. 

I am grateful for
The Holy Ghost
My bishopric
The atonement
The pure love of christ

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Still Pushing Forward

My poor hubby got home last night and I was already passed out.  Apparently I snapped at him because he walks in and sees me asleep and asks me "are you sleeping?" I caught myself after snapping and apologized and told him I love him.  Yes I was asleep and do not like to be woken up when I am asleep. 

I am very proud of my hubby because he did really good on his two tests he took today!!

I was sick all morning.  Apparently my body did not want to go more then 1 day without my drug.  So I had to go refill it so I could keep food and liquid down. 

I worked today even though I was still feeling really bad.  But I need the hours and cannot afford another call out. 
It was really busy at work.  I am very much worn out.  Tomorrow is 9am work day and pot luck that I have nothing for.  I guess I have to wake up even earlier to go out and buy something for it.  I would of made something today but I was sick all morning and got home close to 11. 

I know this is a short post but really that is all that happened today.  I guess I am kind of lame.  :(

I am grateful for
My drug.  It keeps me from throwing up all the time and ending up in the hospital.
For how fast wallgreens can fill a perscription
For my manager letting me come in early so I could get s little extra time of work
The extra pillow I have that I used to make my foot lift higher while I slept
I am grateful for how my husband let me know how grateful he was for me going shopping and buying the groceries yesterday and letting me know he appreciated it. 

<3 br="" christina="" erin="" nbsp="">
